Real estate
Yandex Ads
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reliable site Owner: Yandex

address: Russia, Moscow, 119021, ул. Льва Толстого, д. 16
Real estate search in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan.You can also make an ad for free.
Everything is very simple, convenient and intuitive.
You are immediately invited to your region. You can specify a search or search on the map.
In principle, you can specify a query in the usual Yandex search engine, for example. Rent an apartment
On the map
You can click On the map. And so we can see housing prices on the map.
There is a filter, we can choose only the options that suit us: by the number of rooms, the combination or incompatibility of the bathroom, the secondary or new building, area, panel, brick ..., only from the owners ... And only these options are viewed on the map.
On the maps of large cities, you can choose the Layer/Rental price and get a map with a tint: red - expensive, green - cheap.
Yandex.Real Estate takes into account:
- The relevance of the announcement - according to statistics, the apartment is sold and surrendered after a certain period of time after the announcement. Yandex calculates these terms, taking into account the updates of the announcement, and the aging ones are eliminated.
- Price Matching Location - the price of the apartment depends on its location in the city - some areas are more expensive, some cheaper. Yandex group offers by location, based on the geography of cities, considering in which administrative district is the apartment, in the center or on the outskirts, how close it is to the metro. For each such group, the average spread of prices for apartments of different area is calculated - separately for sale, separately for rent. If the price in the ad is less than the minimum border of this gap, most likely, the data in it is not true. For example, a very cheap one-room apartment can actually be a room in a communal apartment. Also, ads with misspellings are canceled, for example, with the cost of renting several billion rubles.
- Duplicate Grouping - to increase the probability of a call from a potential client, real estate agents often post on the site more than one, But several ads. For example, indicate different metro stations or slightly different prices. To offer the same living space can be several agents at once. Find the same ads easily by their parameters - address of the house, floor and area of the apartment. Such ads are combined into one.

Yandex helps to rent, rent an apartment in Moscow and St. Petersburg.Pros
Yandex will take panoramic photos of the apartment so that you can see the options without leaving your home, instead of tiring trips around the big city. And only then see what is most suitable, and maybe immediately remove it.If problems arise along the way, furniture breaks down, neighbors are flooded, Yandex easily solves this. That is, you can insure this business.
In Moscow and St. Petersburg, housing is already expensive, and Yandex raises payments by 3%.So if you can do without them, I would try.
Other intermediaries charge a one-time fee for this, but here you will have to pay regularly.