Video Podcast

Social web / Microblog, blog / Vlogs

Video Podcast

This is a separate file or a regularly updated series of such files, published at the same address on the Internet.
Video podcast
This is still a podcast, because the main thing is still to listen. Remove the sound and there will be nothing to see. The picture only complements the sound series.
A video podcast or VODCAST is exactly the same podcast, distributed also often there.
The difference with the podcast is the presence of the video.
Although this is VIDEO podcast, but the main thing here is still the sound series. Remove the sound and the picture will lose all meaning. The main thing in any podcast is the sounded text.

The video podcast has appeared thanks to ubiquitous broadband Internet, that is when it became technically and practically simple.

It seemed that the video would become more popular than the traditional podcast, but in fact it did not.
Much more convenient was the form of video blog (vlog).