Strong's concordance

Christianity / Bible / Strong

Strong's concordance

Strong's concordance or vocabulary is known to all Bible students.
What are they needed for?

The essence of

All we work with the dictionary. Find the right words, which are arranged in alphabetical order, and then read their values.

Not all students of the Bible know the original languages ​​- Hebrew and Greek. But we are aware that we are not reading the Bible, but translating the Bible. And if we want to be sure of a word, it's good to be sure that it is used in the original or find out that it is used for translation in Russian language.

Here, without knowledge of the language with Hebrew and Greek dictionaries, it will be extremely difficult, if at all possible. Alphabet is Hebrew specific and very different from ours.
In addition, we can not find the word love in the dictionary, we must look for the word love, and not the derived forms. The same in other languages. So without knowing the language, the chances are zero.

Strong thought of creating a dictionary where only those words that are used in the Bible will be found and simply number them.
But working with such a dictionary requires a special Bible. This was created, it looked like this:

The Bible with Strong's Symphony

The main was the text of the Bible in the original language, under each word was a simple translation, and above the word the number to search for a word in the dictionary to see a more detailed interpretation of the word.

And on the side is the usual text of the Bible in English, so that you can read or study if you want.

That's actually the idea, which made available the study of the original Bible "for teapots."


Today, Strong's numbers have become widely used in electronic versions of the Bible. We just click on the number next to the word and see what word was used in the original and its interpretation.