Start page

Social web / Social network / Services

Start page

How do we go online?
Well, in the first place - the search engine. And the rest, for example, mail, social networks ...? We do not ask them every time.
Links to what we use regularly should be organized in a convenient way.

Browser (Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Internet Explorer ...)


Of course, first of all the browser. We no longer go to the search engine to make a request and search, the search field is built into the browser, we just choose the search engine that's convenient for us.

In the browser, you can organize and link. The fastest way is bookmarks.

In the tabs you can create folders, just drag and drop the page of the site you want to add.
You can open all the sites of this folder (click the right mouse button). I made myself a selection of links that I watch every morning: mail, news, weather ... One click and I look in turn.

Already probably all browsers allow to enter the account and bind the settings, including bookmarks to the account. So you can log into your account on any computer and get all your bookmarks.

You have a system that has been uninstalled, you have reinstalled everything and do not need to configure everything again, just log into your account.

As for the bookmarks, it's easy to add or remove a link to the site.

Browser start page

Now all browsers offer their simple start page, where there can be the most visited sites or our selection.
If you are a simple user, you will be comfortable and pleasant to use this panel, which is easy to navigate

Previously opened tabs

We can set for example in the settings for: Preferences/Open/Previously opened tabs.
Thus, closing the browser, we will not close the open tabs and when we next open the browser, we just continue to work in it. And there will be less need for a start page.

Search Engines

Convenient configuration offers leading search engines. For example. Yandex or My Yahoo. Yandex will be closer to us and clearer and more, because in Russian. Western services, for example news, weather, sports ... are little acquainted with our country and are grounded to the west.

And Yandex is also allowed to create their own widgets and add them to the start page.
On the start page, you can add widgets with weather, regional news, a TV program, etc. Much can be added or removed.
If you are comfortable with Yandex search and you use his mail, then you will be very comfortable here, why should you think of something else?