reliable site Owner: VK Group email: mailapps@corp.mail.ru
address: Russia, Moscow, 125167, Ленинградский пр., д. 39, стр. 79
Videocalls Mail.ru
Free calls from your smartphone and in your browser.Create a video call and send the participants an invitation link.
- Create call.
- Schedule.
- Free.
- Participation without registration.
- Sign in via link.
- Up to 100 participants.
- Without installing the app.
- No time constraints.
- Screen Show.
- Integrate with Mail and Calendar.
Create a Call Link
Click Create call", check that you can be heard and seen.Send the link to your conversation partners
Throw it in a messenger or send it by mail.Wait for contacts
The call will start when you and your interlocutors click on the link.Call everyone here and now from your browser or smartphone.
Pushed call
Send the invitation now and call when convenient.Call from Mail
Organize the conversation directly from the letter without distracting from work.Call from Calendar
Schedule a call together in Calendar and immediately create an appointment with an invitation link - ideal for recurring meetings.Any Mail.ru user can create a video call.
Invited participants do not need to register and install additional applications.

reliable site Owner: Microsoft

address: USA, Redmond, One Microsoft Way, WA 98052
- Free calls to all Skype subscribers,
- Calls without registrations,
- Free video calls between Skype subscribers,
- Free instant messaging.
By the way, free of charge only with Skype on Skype. It's interesting, but what prevents it from being installed :)?
Calls from Skype to the phone will have to be paid, but much cheaper than with a regular phone.
What is needed for this?
Speakers and a microphone or headphones with a microphone. Personally, I did not like the headphones. It's much more convenient to be free during a conversation.If you want to be seen, there's also a webcam. By the way, the webcam has a built-in microphone.
So, you probably already have the column, you only need to buy a webcam.
Warning. The microphone should be located behind the speakers to make the sound From the speakers did not go into the microphone, otherwise your interlocutor will hear his echo.
If you have a laptop, then you probably already have a webcam and almost certainly have a microphone.
The site is only partially translated into Russian, but the program is Russified.Skype versions
- Windows
- Mac OS X
- Linux
- Windows Mobile
- WiFi phones
- Cordless phones
- Nokia N800/N810
- Skype on 3
Calls without registration
Registration gives you advantages, at least address book and history.But maybe someone did not open an account, and when it's hot, it's too late, you need to call urgently, you can call and then register.
Or you are not at home, you need to call, and you do not remember your password, you can just call without registration once.
- Go to skype.com
- click "Start a conversation" by scrolling down the page.
- Enter your name,
- click Continue
- send a unique link to everyone you need to chat with.
- Clicking on the link, other users will be able to join the conversation.
You can talk By Skype using Bluetooth. The computer must be equipped with such an adapter.Basically, it's almost the same as using a laptop, only you can walk around the apartment. Using the same microphone and speakers, you can walk around the room.
Symbian smartphone
I use the Fring program (more) for voice communication on Skype, ICQ ...Windows Mobile: smartphone, PDA and PDA
This platform was as if specially created for Skype, provided that your device supports connection to Wi-Fi networks. "Native" software can be downloaded at the official Skype website. Again, it is recommended to use Wi-Fi with an Internet connection for transmission. Also, please note that if there are no questions with "how to talk" with a smartphone and a communicator, in case of a PDA, look where you have "where to listen" and where to "talk."Wi-Fi with active transmission Ruthless to the battery, and in Windows Mobile it discharges very quickly.

reliable site Owner: Microsoft

address: USA, Redmond, One Microsoft Way, WA 98052
Skype online
Skype in browser without installing additional software. If you use Skype on your computer, you quickly navigate to the online version.Advantages
- does not require installation, does not take system resources, when we do not use it,
- if you already have an account, you will already have an address book here, in principle, it's like logging into the program,
- it's convenient to use it from someone else's computer, even if the program is not installed on it.
Or rather the advantages of the program before the online version.We install the software and forgot, it starts with the system, we just use it. And then you need to open the browser and go not a site, otherwise nobody will reach us and lose the meaning of Skype.