Features of buying goods online
E-commerce is gaining in popularity in Russia. That and it is not surprising, after all trade through Internet shop is convenient and very favourable both for sellers, and for buyers. Sale of goods via the Internet is very attractive for entrepreneurs. Firstly, online trading does not require a regular trading platform, it is enough to create a virtual store, which in fact is a site on the Internet. Secondly, the seller does not need to buy expensive commercial equipment, hire sales and service personnel. Advantages of buying goods through the online store and have buyers. After all, goods purchased through distance selling often have a lower price than similar goods in a stationary shop. The buyer has the opportunity to choose the necessary thing without haste, without leaving the house, especially since computer equipment and the Internet today is available in almost every family. But, unfortunately, online trading also has its disadvantages for the buyer. Unscrupulous entrepreneurs, when trading via the Internet, often violate the terms of delivery of paid goods or do not deliver the goods to the consumer, sell low-quality goods or intentionally mislead the consumer about the basic consumer properties of the goods. It is often difficult to exchange or return the purchased goods when buying goods through an online store. Therefore, in order to avoid any unforeseen troubles, it is necessary to know the peculiarities of buying goods online. If you plan to purchase goods remotely, first of all, please note that the page of the website must provide information about the address (location) and the full company name of the seller, regardless of whether the organization is a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur. When choosing a product online, the buyer should see all the information about the product, namely: Its basic consumer properties,
- place of production,
- price, price
- terms of purchase and delivery,
- product life,
- product shelf life,
- warranty period,
- order of payment for goods,
- the period during which the contract offer is valid.
- seller - full company name and address (location) of the seller,
- buyer - name, surname, patronymic of the buyer or the person (recipient) indicated by him/her,
- to the address to which the goods should be delivered;
- product name, article, brand, variety, number of items included in the set of purchased goods.
- commodity price;
- type of service (when provided), time of execution and cost;
- obligations of the buyer.
- free of charge elimination of defects in the goods or reimbursement of the costs of their correction by the buyer or a third party;
- proportional reduction of the purchase price;
- substitution for a product of a similar brand (model, article) or for the same product of another brand (model, article) with a corresponding recalculation of the purchase price.
- address (location) of the seller at which the goods are returned;
- Seller's mode of operation;
- maximum period during which the goods can be returned to the seller,
- warning of the need to preserve the commercial appearance, consumer properties of goods of appropriate quality before returning it to the seller, as well as documents confirming the conclusion of the contract
- term and procedure for refund of the amount paid by the buyer for the goods.