Playbill, Sber

Internet search / Sber / Travel

Playbill, Sber


reliable site

Owner: Sber
address: Russia

Saturday Rambler

The main source of ideas for weekend planning.
That is, what to see, where to go.


reliable site

Owner: Sber
address: Russia, Moscow

Picnic Billboards

Picnic "Afisha" is the largest music festival in Moscow in the open air, which annually gathers about 50,000 people.

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Picnic Billboards


A popular service that allows cafes and restaurants to efficiently promote their establishments, manage table reserves, automate the process of handling visitors' requests, and significantly reduce staff time.

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A way to choose how to spend your free time.

The site contains the most complete and most accurate database of movie shows, concerts, exhibitions, and theater performances; The largest catalog of addresses of restaurants, clubs, museums, exhibition halls and shops in the largest cities Russia. The most authoritative book, music, restaurant And film critics publish their reviews and blog on the Afisha. In addition to professional reviews on the site, every month more than 3 thousand user reviews and over 30 thousand user ratings are published.

You can book a movie ticket for free.

We go, our city is displayed automatically, choose "Cinemas", choose a cinema from List.

There is a mobile version.

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