Michelin stars

Real Estate / Hotels / Restaurants

Michelin stars

History of the Michelin stars

Generally speaking, Michelin is a tire manufacturer (like and Nokia :)).
In 1900 AD Michelin produces a directory where the places of gas stations are indicated, well, and at the same time, where you can have a bite on the road.
In 1926 AD Restaurants, where they prepare delicious food marked with an asterisk.
Well, then the stars became 3:

Michelin star- very good restaurant.

Michelin starMichelin star- an excellent cuisine, for which it is worth changing the itinerary.

Michelin starMichelin starMichelin star- a great chef, this restaurant can be the goal of a separate trip.

Based on the number of stars there will be a price.


People's restaurant rating. New York, USA, 1979.
The main competitor to Michelin.
New York travel guide The Zagat New York Survey annually purchases more than 650 thousand admirers of gastronomic art.


Michelin Guide

On this site you can find good restaurants.
The site does not have a Russian version.

There is not a directory in Russia, there are no stars. This means that we do not have good cooking anywhere, just while it's difficult for us to do.
By the way, in Scandinavia it is not customary to give stars to hotels, but their level is one of the highest in the world.

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