
Mass media / Information / Encyclopedia


  1. mining-enc.ru - Mountain Encyclopedia Online - The site was created by Rubicon, the encyclopedia itself was published by the publisher TSB in 1984-1990.
  2. rulex.ru - Russian Biographical Dictionary - A selection of articles from the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron (biographies of figures of Russian history and culture, as well as articles on Russian semi-mythical and folkloric characters), portraits, coat of arms.
  3. slovesa.ru - A Word - Dictionary of associations.
  4. encyclopedia.ru - World encyclopedias - Database of encyclopedias.
  5. cosmoworld.ru/spaceencyclopedia/ - Encyclopedia of Space - A.Zheleznyakov. Articles cover all aspects of space exploration, biographies of astronauts, scientists and designers, reference information. Articles are arranged on a systematic basis.
  6. vslovar.org.ru - glossary - Visual dictionary.
  7. floranimal.ru - Floranimal - About animals and plants: illustrated articles about various kinds of animals and plants (alphabetical systematization). Entertaining news from the animal world. Tests and games. Photo gallery.
  8. everything2.com - Everything2 (E2) - English-language online encyclopedia, which contains articles on all areas of human knowledge.
  9. howstuffworks.com - How Stuff Works - Help site with useful information about that. Each material answers the question: How does something work ?

Books & Encyclopaedias

  1. sci.aha.ru/all/ - Encyclopedia of Numbers and Facts
  2. picanal.narod.ru/izm/index.htm - Encyclopedia of mathematical formulas for designers
  3. psy.msu.ru/illusion/ - Encyclopedia of optical illusions

Books & Encyclopedias

  1. foxdesign.ru/aphorism/topic/ - Encyclopedia of Aphorisms

Books and Encyclopaedias

  1. log-in.ru/dtsection/galleries/ - log-in.ru

Encyclopedic, terminological dictionaries and publications

  1. krugosvet.ru - Krugosvet - Universal encyclopedia: history, medicine, technology, etc. (articles, maps, illustrations). Search by subject and alphabet. Versions for printing. Product details on CD.
  2. lib.ru/intermet/termwww.txt - LIB - Terms and Internet jargon.


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Great Russian Encyclopedia

Originally it was an encyclopedia. Then the multivolume, then the publishing house, which publishes thematic encyclopedias, then the accompanying literature.

With the advent of Internet, the question arose, in what form is the "Great Russian Encyclopedia"?
As a result, an Internet portal is created which will not be a copy of the printed version, but will take advantage of Internet:

  1. constant replenishment of information,
  2. user participation in supplementing information,
  3. statistics on the popularity of those or Other requests, documents.
The main advantage over Wikipadia - all the material will be created or checked by specialists. All facts are checked and the source is indicated.

The goal is the creation of a territory of authentic knowledge, including encyclopedic articles and heuristic, scientific, educational and cultural ... materials.

The portal will be a social platform where users will be able to participate in the discussion, update and in addition to the material.

Thousands of scientists are busy writing articles. Many of the questions are controversial, so the availability of different points of view on the portal will be a prerequisite.


Scientific and educational encyclopedic portal from the Great Russian Encyclopedia with the support of Ministry of Digital Development of Russia.

A systematic set of sources of reliable scientific information for students and their teachers, for scientists and researchers.The portal is a universal multimedia tool and covers all spheres of human knowledge and life.


The database of the Great Russian Encyclopedia, industry and regional encyclopedias of partners, institutions of science and culture, and other reliable sources verified by scientific editors and services of the Portal are taken as a basis.

Для написания статей на портале нужно заполнить анкету, указав полное ФИО, должность, область научных интересов и так далее.

Encyclopedia Britannica Online

Leading encyclopedia of the world, in English.
The main drawback - paid. 7 days - test period.


Reference books, encyclopedias and dictionaries of the Russian language and in Russian devoted to different topics and directions: interpretations, meanings and synonyms of words

More than 2.5 million vocabulary and encyclopedic articles

General dictionaries and narrow subject dictionaries:

explanatory dictionaries of the Russian language, spelling dictionaries of the Russian language, synonyms of the Russian language, colloquial vocabulary, Russian language, encyclopedic dictionaries, addresses, postal codes, cities and countries, astronomy, biology, names and surnames, art, history, yoga, cooking, literature, medicine, music, proverbs, sayings and aphorisms, psychology and sociology, religion, slang and jargon, dream books, construction and architecture, physics, mathematics, philosophy, economics and finance, encyclopedias, dictionaries and reference books, ethnography, law and n and many other topics

As well as the Russian language dictionaries by Ozhegov, Ephraim, Dahl, Collier, Lopatin, Abramov, Ushakov, encyclopedic dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books

Thanks to the convenient search structure, you can easily find the meaning and interpretation of the desired word and term. And also learn alternative interpretations, meanings and synonyms of a word.

address: Russia

A collection of dictionaries and encyclopedias

Dal, Ushakov, BES, Müller, biographies, modern encyclopedia, large encyclopaedic dictionary, encyclopedic dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron, a dictionary of depository terms and ...

Jewish Encyclopedia

The Jewish Encyclopedia in Russia on the web.

Based on The Shorter Jewish Encyclopedia published in Jerusalem in the years 1976-2005 in cooperation with The Hebrew University, Jerusalem

History of the Jewish people, the Jews of Russia, the Jews in world civilization, Jewish literature and journalism, Zionism, the Land of Israel, the Talmud, Judaism, ...

Allows you to download free e-books.
Maxim Moshkov Library - Christianity and Biblical Literature and Publicism.

Maxim Moshkov Library

address: Russia


Large collection of all kinds of online dictionaries and encyclopedias.
More than hundreds of dictionaries and encyclopedias.
Abbreviations, translation, sociological, culinary, nautical, cultural, geographical, biblical, explanatory ....