Single account ID

Beginning / Know it / Password

Single account ID

Yandex ID

Yandex ID personal account allows you to work with your data. -
When logging in you will be sent a code by SMS to your phone, you will need to enter it.
That is, you can request the archive with the information accumulated about you by Yandex.
It will be necessary to wait some days, then they will inform.

There is an opportunity to delete selectively or completely your data.

The archive includes information from more than 50 services Yandex.
You can now delete data from Alice, Yandex.Music, Yandex.Mail, Yandex.Messenger, Yandex.Station, and other services.

Sber ID

A free service for logging into websites and applications, which provides access to the capabilities of the Sber ecosystem and partners.

Everyone can use Sber ID, it is not necessary to be a bank client.
Creating a Sber ID is easy, and if you have a card and the SberBank Online application, you already have it.
Your Sber ID is your phone number.

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reliable site

Owner: MTS
address: Russia, Moscow


A single account for all services of the MTS ecosystem.
More than 90 services for work and entertainment: from business promotion tools to an online store and an online cinema.

Logo of  Gosuslugi ID

Gosuslugi ID

Entrance to state sites through the State Services (ESIA).

In order to register and use the State Services website, you will need to go to the MFC and present documents to prove that it is really you. There are other ways to verify.
But then you will have access to many government sites where you do not need to register and verify, but visit using the State Services ID. Moreover, the documents that you have submitted to the State Services will not have to be entered on those sites.

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