Windows| home page | download |
Text Editor hackers 21st century, which allows you to hack the kernel and edit.
Windows/Linux/Mac OS| 28 Mb | home page | download | download here | OpenSource
The audio editor and recorder for Windows, Mac OS X, GNU / Linux, and other operating systems, live sound recording, film processing and recording of digital audio, edit Ogg Vorbis, MP3, and WAV audio files, various audio processing (copy, joint, speed change, the connection of audio tracks), import and export WAV, AIFF, AU, and Ogg Vorbis files ... for transfer to MP3 need lame_enc.dll (350 Kb), which can be downloaded here.
| home page |

Vector graphics editor online.
Simple, intuitive and functional. Work pleased with him, is a pleasure.
BMI Calculator
Windows| 650 Kb | home page | download | Freeware
Your mass indicator (BMI) can be a general indicator of the general health. This calculator is written in Cocoa and supports Mac OS X.
| home page |

Bumble shows the interesting people we vote and if sympathy is mutual, we begin to communicate. There are no awkward moment when we do not know who should speak first.
She always takes the first step, but if it does not respond to a new sympathy for 24 hours, this sympathy will burn forever!
Windows/Linux| 33.38 Mb | download | OpenSource
OCR software, the main rival FineReader. Recognition of texts in Russian, English, Russian, English, Ukrainian, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Swedish (over 20);
DeepBurner Free
Windows| 2.6 Mb | home page | download | Freeware
Best of the free Today, CD and DVD recording, the creation of the Audio CD, can be upgraded free DeepRipper tool to extract music tracks from an audio CD, followed by compression to MP3 or OGG, stable operation, about possible problems with long names the program will warn in advance, editor creating autorun menus, album covers Sketcher. For the appearance of Russian interface, you need to download crack, rename it to DeepBurner.lng and place it in the program folder.
| home page |

.. Tuning Instant Messaging
Connecting multiple instant messengers in one place
mobile version of the Cyrillic
EXE to SWF converter/unprotector
Windows| 20 Kb | download | Freeware
Decompiling or extracting executable Flash-rollers (EXE) in conventional (SWF). No installation required.
Windows| 0.5 Mb | home page | download | Freeware
Program for learners of English and German: tips Longman, tests, dictionaries, parallel texts, the breather mode, settings, search, printing, statistics and much more.
Windows| 87 Mb | home page | download | OpenSource
The popular lightweight graphics editor that competes with Photoshop, requires GTK RunTime. Version made specially for those who are used to Photoshop.
Gmail Notifier
Windows| 292 Kb | download | download here | Freeware
Program from Google to automatically check the mailbox on Gmail. Sits in the system tray and checks email every two minutes. Shows the first lines of unread messages.
ICE Book Reader Pro
Windows| 3 Mb | home page | download here | Freeware
Ebook reader understands TXT, RTF, HTML, MS Word, PALM books (.PDB and .PRC), reads from archives (zip, rar, arj, lzh, ha), ultra smooth scrolling with the exact control of scroll speed, automatically adjusted scroll speed, full text antialising, automatic recognition of Russian codepages, automatic text reflow, the system of artificial intellect recognizing a format of text, automatic text coloring. Does not require installation.
Windows| 3.5 Mb | home page | download here | Freeware
Very good icon editor.
Windows| 600 Kb | download here | Freeware
Installed Font Previewer (A. c) - enter the word or phrase, select the size, bold, italics ... and see how it looks in different fonts.
InterBiblia Reader
| home page |

Version of the program 'a quote from the Bible', which will not work with text files, and databases that will speed up its work and add functionality.
a Program for Bible reading schedule Robert Murray m'cheyne or in a free manner - move either by day or by chapters of the biblical books. For each book remains separate tab. for the iPhone yet paid - 160 RUB. Slightly and allow to maintain a stable development of the program.

Rostov Christian Church.
- display the text of the Bible the
- quick and easy transition to the selected book, Chapter, verse,
- working with bookmarks (to bookmark, go to bookmark, remove bookmark),
- ,
- story. the
- it Remembers the place where finished reading, and left the program. the
- Includes 6 Bible reading plans for the year. the
- Internet Connection is not required for operation.

Modules 'quotes from the Bible' on iOS

- Run PocketSword
- Open the menu 'Settings'
- Toggle the 'maintenance Mode module' to 'Enabled'
- go to 'Download'
- In the upper right corner click on the icon of folders
- In the menu that appears, choose 'Add FTP source'
- In the opened window, enter
- Name: MoscowSeminary
- Server: the
- Path: /bqt
- Click 'Finish'
currently, Russian-language modules is not much, but we after some time we will convert to this format with all available modules.
Windows| 5.15 Mb | home page | download | download here | Freeware
Smotrelka fast, supports many extensions, batch rename files plus a variety of functions, nothing more, Russian interface.
K-Lite Codec Pack
Windows| 17.7 Mb | home page | download | Freeware
Collection of codecs: DivX Pro, DivX ; MPEG-4 Low and Fast motion, XviD (Koepi''s), Microsoft MPEG-4, Fraunhofer MPEG-2 A/V, MP3 audio, DivX WMA Audio, Ogg Vorbis audio, AC3 audio, DivX Anti-Freeze ...
Windows| home page | Freeware
Browser for a computer connected to the TV.
you Can translate the Internet into other rooms.
the Difference is that it is adapted to large screen displays, if necessary, the keyboard zoom ...
Windows| 15.2 Mb | home page | download here | Freeware
The free audio editor, just not upload MP3Trix_Free.exe then MP3Trix Tweaker and it is only free for 10 runs, then you have to pay, and weighs 15 MB, download should MP3TRIX.exe (123 KB), which is actually just a program to install the program via the Internet, the program itself weighs 17 MB.
Windows| 278 Kb | home page | download here | Freeware
Processing simple MP3 trim silence at the beginning and end, fade ... Not require installation.
Windows| 396 Kb | download here | Freeware
Displays information about the computer: CPU, graphics card, HDD, etc.. does Not require installation.
Windows| 643 Kb | home page | download | download here | Freeware
The program allows you to take screenshots of the desktop, active menu, or a specified part of the screen. Save screen shots or some of its area can be in BMP, and converting them to another format, such as Jpeg (*.jpg). In MWSnap You can view the image with zoom feature, 'line' and a color 'tube'
Windows| 5.3 Mb | home page | download | Portable | OpenSource
The most popular Notepad webmasters. Expands plugins.
spell Check (which is very important, first because of the lack of spell check there were many errors on the websites). Multi mode, parallel view, document comparison, regular expressions mass replace on all open documents or MH folder vqlue subfolders or not including.Working with register encodings ... in Short all that is necessary. the Only drawback — makes mistakes (cuts text) when working with very large files. For large files it is better suited Akelpad. has a 64-bit version, which allows you to work with large documents.
32-bit version does not open very large files, and making large AutoCorrect makes mistakes (missing part of the text).
However on a 64-bit version is still almost no plugins, but they 2 are installed together, however you can only open at a time.
Windows| 660 Kb | download here | Freeware
Windows| 10 Mb | home page | download | Portable | OpenSource
Pidgin supports Jabber
; rus; 12 Mb; 98/2K/XP/Vista; home;
- Yahoo
- Jabber
- Zephyr ...

Windows| home page | Freeware
When we make a photo, it is a lot of information on the date of the image than it was made ... All it takes is a place for a small PNG file a lot. All this does not affect the picture and can be cleaned.
Windows| 4.2 Mb | home page | download | Freeware
Text editor with advanced features, from syntax highlighting to docs. Can be used depending on the details. For example, as a very good substitute for Notepad. Or as HTML, PHP, or HEX editor.
SiSoftware Sandra Professional
Windows| 15 Mb | home page | download | Non-Commercial Freeware
A set of tests to measure the performance of the system and its separate components, verification of stability, performance and compare with others, makes recommendations for upgrade, provides information about the cooling system.
Windows/Mac OS| 14 Mb | home page | download | Freeware
Songbird favorably with iTunes that is completely independent of any manufacturer, and therefore, it is not tied to one service or MP3 player a particular company.
the Main capabilities of the player the following: the Built-in browser engine Gecko (supports tabs)Support for plugins.
Support feathers (from English. feathers, analog skins) Smart playlists
"concert Ticket" (a standard plugin). Shows upcoming gigs in your area based on artists from your library. The opportunity provided Songkick'ohms
Internal Scrobbler (via standard plugin)
SHOUTcast radio Directory
Import media from iTunes
supports MP3, FLAC, and Ogg Vorbis on all platforms; WMA and WMA DRM on Windows; AAC on Windows and Mac.
a Library for working with media files
Auto-update plugins and core the configuration Wizard
Songbird allows you to convert audio CD to digital format Ogg, WMA.
Spbmap Lite
Windows| 20 Mb | download | Freeware
Detailed map of Saint Petersburg (with house numbers). Full version is paid.
Sublime Text
Windows/Linux/Mac OS| home page | download |
Sophisticated text editor for code, markup and text.
You will enjoy the neat user interface, features and incredible performance.
Interesting illumination, mass selection, command palette, shortcut number navigation.
Sumatra PDF
Windows| 800 Kb | home page | download here | Portable | OpenSource
Compact and fast program for viewing PDF files.
UniChat 1.45
Windows| 1.5 Mb | download here | Freeware
OnLine for communication in local networks (LAN), Intranet, as well as in multi-segment networks and the Internet. Does not require installation.
Unicode2Ansi v2.0
Windows| 130 Kb | download | download here | Freeware
Mass conversion of html and text files from UTF-8 (Unicode) to ANSI.
Batch conversion of files including search in subdirectories and subfolders from Unicode to ANSI.
Supports the following conversion from Unicode to ANSI:
- Unicode:
- UTF7
- UTF8
- Unicode (little-endian)
- Unicode (big-endian)
- UTF-8 (no BOM)
- 1251 (Windows)
- 866 (DOS, OEM) the
- 1250
- 1252
| home page |

Translates words and expressions. Millions of examples from real texts. While 10 languages, including Russian and English. Convenient for those who learn the language.
Android Auto
| home page |
We connect the phone to the car screen or put it on the dock.
- navigate through Google Maps,
- listen to podcasts and playlists,
- we can dictate messages.
- Android 5.0 or later,
- an Internet connection
- you will need to update the application: Google Maps, Google Play Music or Google Search.
Windows/Linux| 15 Mb | download here | OpenSource
Ebooks FB2 editor. Allows you to manage document structure, edit text, change illustrations, edit file header and directly XML text.
Via браузер
| home page |
Light, fast, with traffic saving, home page setup.
- saves selected pages, for offline viewing,
- a garbage filter, loads only useful information,
- Pop-up blocking,
- Incognito mode,
- Data cleaning,
- Protection against tracing,
- Download manager,
- Scanning QR codes,
- Night mode,
- translation of pages.
Blue Mail
| home page |

A free universal email client with a user-friendly interface.
Unlimited number of email accounts from different providers.
Synchronization of mailboxes from different providers.
Push notifications in real time.
Advanced Features
- intelligent mobile notifications - quiet hours, setting sounds, vibrations, flashes and alarms, as well as a number of unique settings for each of the accounts,
- custom signature - customize the font and add a logo,
- support for Android wear,
- mobile printing,
- dynamic conversation building,
- priority of letters,
- smart filter system,
- the transmitted data is always encrypted,
- Set up a timer that blocks the screen to maintain privacy.
Windows| 770 Kb | home page | download | download here | Freeware
The manager of viewing and control of autorestart Windows.
Not only programs, but also processes that run when the system starts, where the name comes from.
Wireless Network Watcher
Windows-64| 350 Kb | home page | download | Freeware
Wireless Network Watcher doesn't require any installation process or additional dll files. In order to start using it, simply extract the executable file (WNetWatcher.exe) from the zip file, and run it.
After running WNetWatcher, it automatically locates your wireless adapter, and scans your network. After a few seconds, you should start see the list of computers that are currently connected to your network.Stocard
| home page |

A popular application - discount cards in your phone.
The camera reads information from the card and adds it to your catalog.If the card is not in the list, you can still add it. It is quite simple and easy application.
Not with all shops works correctly, the Petersburg application the Purse, agrees with Petersburg shops.