| home page |

Protected messenger from BitTorrent.
Supports text correspondence and phone calls.
Come up with a nickname and all.Email and phone number are not required.
Email and mobile phone needs only to your friends faster than you found it.
But you can just share with your friends your key and you will be added to them, and they to you.
How does it work?
- without the servers, according to the scheme peer-2-peer (directly from user to user). (From person to person), keep in mind the principle of Torrent?
- If the connection is broken with someone, failure and mistakes will not be, as a link will appear again, the message will runaway. The same principle of Torrent client.
- Encryption takes place on the basis of end-to-end, encryption keys are stored only on your phone.
- have the ability to delete messages after reading.
So called - look at the charge, maybe it's time to recharge.
A call for better WiFi.
DriveImage XML
Windows| 1.72 Mb | home page | download | Freeware
Copy the disk and partition recovery images.
Universal Vocabulary
Windows| 47 Mb | home page | download here | Freeware
Easy to use program for simultaneous search for multiple dictionaries - the dictionary of Ozhegova, the dictionary of foreign words, spelling dictionary, dictionary of synonyms, dictionary Dahl Ushakov Brockhaus and Efron, Vasmer, musical genres, etc..
Windows/Mac OS
| 135 Mb | home page | download |
Photos and videos will be stored on your phone, so do not abuse.
| 135 Mb | home page | download |

Free messaging via the Internet.
In addition to standard messaging, WhatsApp users can create groups, send to each other an unlimited number of messages, photos, audio and video files up to 2 Gb.Photos and videos will be stored on your phone, so do not abuse.
- Add message to favorites - long press on message / three dots at the top / Add to favorites.
- Disable auto-download - Settings / Data and storage / Auto-download.
- Answer to separate message in the chat - Save message from left to right and you will be able to write.
- Edit text -*bold* , _cursive_ , ~crossing~.
- Link - three dots / New mailing - select recipients.
- Chat Search - open the chat and select Search.
- Share your location - fold / Location.
- Delete message from other phones - if you delete it at home, it will be deleted by others.
- Copy chat on email - touch chat / Export chat / specify where to send.
- Password - download and install the application Watsap Castle.
- Archive chat (so they will remain, just will not be visible) - select the correspondence / long click on the selected correspondence / click on the box in the upper right corner.
- Send files - Note / Files and send.
- Block user - long click on correspondence / Lock contact.
Windows| download here | Freeware
Best Manager Converter address books.
Is used to transfer address books from one program to another just to edit it.
| 120 Mb | home page | download |
The Bat!
Windows| 120 Mb | home page | download |
Leading mail program. There is a portable version of the Voyger (for Flash cards).Cons
the Program is a good one. But why pay when you can get the same for free. However, you can use a pirated copy, but why steal when you can get the same civilized?is Not recommended.Digital TV 20 channels for free

The application allows you to watch 20 digital all-Russian TV channels on any device in excellent quality after disconnecting analog TV.
Saving is automatic.
It can't be simpler.
The text color is set automatically. If you select light background, the text will be dark and vice versa.I like a transparent background.
There is transparent white (then the text will be black) or transparent black (then the text will be white).
It turns out that your note is just written on the screen.Unfortunately, this application is no longer developing and you can't download it from Google Play.
But you can download it from us. I have the widget correctly installed on Redmo Note 8T.
seNotes Plus
| 117 Kb | download |Quick notes.
The easiest and most convenient widget for notes.
How it works
Tell you to make a quick recording.Click on the widget, enter the text and close it.Saving is automatic.
It can't be simpler.
Text size - we set the size of the text as it will always be (if we do not change it), no other formatting is provided.Set the background color from the proposed list.The text color is set automatically. If you select light background, the text will be dark and vice versa.I like a transparent background.
There is transparent white (then the text will be black) or transparent black (then the text will be white).
It turns out that your note is just written on the screen.Unfortunately, this application is no longer developing and you can't download it from Google Play.
But you can download it from us. I have the widget correctly installed on Redmo Note 8T.