Adobe Flash Player
Windows| 1.4 Mb | home page | download | Freeware
Adobe bought Micromedia and now it's called. Allows Safari to select online content of many sites, and video in Flash format.
BMI Calculator
Windows| 650 Kb | home page | download | Freeware
Your mass indicator (BMI) can be a general indicator of the general health. This calculator is written in Cocoa and supports Mac OS X.
Far manager 2
Windows| 10 Mb | home page | download | x64 | OpenSource
Console fajlovi Manager with UNICODE support. FAR Manager understands long names, it correctly works with Russian letters (there is a transcoder-WIN-KOI-ISO). A built-in FTP client, setting up panels to your liking, coloring files, viewing of network an advanced system management hotkeys, and a very large set of plugins, rasshitymi features of the program are just some of the many features of this file Manager.
Google Web Accelerator
Windows| 1.43 Mb | download | Freeware
A service provided by Google to speed up opening web pages. You download a small program which provides faster access to Internet resources due to: - connection only with a data center Google, which will play the role of proxy servers, local caching of frequently visited pages - download only changes since your last viewing of the page - advance download information the links on the current page, compression of transmitted data.
Just Color Picker
Windows| home page | Freeware
Hover mouse on any place of the screen, click Alt+X and take the color of the selected point. You can just take a few flowers. And then they can copy and paste where you want.
Nexus Font
Windows| 1.9 Mb | home page | download here | Freeware
Manager to manage fonts in Windows.
it Is possible to display the written text by using different fonts.
This is very useful if You require confirmation of a font by a client or colleagues.
Windows/Mac OS| 16 Mb | home page | download | Freeware
Small and functional BitTorrent client for Windows. By itself, the torrent is not a complicated program, not to overload would be advertising and unnecessary. What did the authors of the program.
RSS Easy Subscription
Chrome| home page |
The addition of buttons for quick subscription to the toolbar.
HTTPS Everywhere
Chrome| home page |

HTTPS Everywhere is a Firefox, Chrome, and Opera extension that encrypts your communications with many major websites, making your browsing more secure.
Bible Analyzer
Windows/Linux/Mac OS| 22 Mb | home page | download | Freeware
A descriptive Bible with commentaries, footnotes, dictionaries, maps in English.
Not a very large selection of modules, but there is a choice.
There are well-integrated footnotes, comments, dictionaries, maps (not in all modules).