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Free notes service.
Good for those who need to store simple text notes. The service is not overloaded with unnecessary features, does not offer an infinite number of times to buy a paid version. It's easy to use, not gluttonous, which is important for a smartphone.

I used to use Evernote before. But I would like something simpler and without constant reminders that I have a stripped down version. I do not want a full version, I do not need a tractor, I need a bicycle. And in general I refuse always from paid versions, too many small payments, I will be glad to get rid of existing ones.

How does it work?

We make a note, we write a tag to it. There are no folders. Evernote has folders and tags, but it's more convenient for me to use one. Tags are more convenient because several tags can be written to one note.

Added a note on the computer, it was added to the smartphone and vice versa. The same with editing. Changed the note in one place - changed everywhere.

Category: Work with text / Notes

Tags: Notes


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Service of notes.
One of the features is the possibility of teamwork.
We save information in any situation and using the device or platform that is needed and convenient, the information will be accessible and gives The ability to search through it at any time, anywhere.

  • In the Internet - create, copy, publish notes on the web and browse them anywhere.
  • On phone - take photos, browse Lists of cases, create voice notes whenever and wherever you are.
  • On a computer - look for and find notes - even the text inside the pictures - regardless of whether you are connected To Internet or not.

What can you remember?

  1. tasks and cases
  2. notes and search results
  3. web pages
  4. presentations on the board
  5. business cards
  6. Handwritten notes
  7. photos
  8. even messages from Twitter

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Category: Work with text / Notes

Tags: Notes