
Internet search / Search / On map


Map of Web Trends

A map from Japanese information architects, very similar to a metro map.
Stations - sites, thematic focus - branches.
The stations are assigned the number of "web version" - from 0.5 to 2.5,
And noted how good they are, the sun - great, overcast - not so cool ...

Map 2007.

Map in GIF 1600?1024
address: Russia
The card is made of visually structured icons.
The project is damp, but the idea is interesting.
Why create icons so that they do not use their visibility?


Online Map

The map shows the points, each corresponds to the site, the size corresponds to the popularity.
To find out which site the point corresponds to, you can click on it and get information (though in English, although the site has a Russian version.
You can just zoom in Map with the mouse wheel and then the inscriptions will appear on the balls.

You can specify the url of the site in the search and if it is in the database, see how it looks against the background of the entire Internet.