
Graphics / Heraldry / About heraldry


Doctrine, the science of coat of arms, heraldic art, and herbism. Auxiliary historical discipline, studying the symbols of the arms. Since the XIII century. The art of compiling noble, ecclesiastical and land coats of arms.

Often speaking Heraldry, have in mind the symbolism (arms and flags) of countries, cities, provinces, provinces, etc.

Heraldic language
(Heraldic description, blasoning)
Descriptive code, developed in Western European culture for recording and describing the image on the coats of arms and flags. Heraldic language, in the absence of photography and the high cost of color images, allowed to describe images on the arms or flag by different methods using text or verbal means, so that it was possible, in the future, to reproduce it with sufficient accuracy.
Coat of arms
(pol. herb from ger. Erbe — inheritance)
Emblem, a distinctive sign passed on by inheritance, which depicts objects symbolizing the owner of the arms (man, estate, clan, city, country, etc.). The basis of the coat of arms is a shield.
(נסי Nissi is a banner, a miracle.
דגל degel - flag, flag, pennant, from see.
דגל dagal — declare your goal, stand for something, glorify, raise the flag, the banner.)
The main difference between the banner and the flag is that the flag exists in a single copy.
If the flag of the regiment is stolen, the regiment is disbanded.
The flag can be reproduced repeatedly. In the early period, the Roman army had bundles of hay planted On peaks, later the banner of animals served. Marius introduced the eagle as a single sign of the legion.

Later the banners consisted of a quadrangular canvas on the crossbar of the shaft. They were made of purplish red cloth. Under Trajan, banners were introduced in the form of painted dragons made of cloth (in China a dragon, we have a kite, "And Moses made a brass serpent and set it on a banner ..." Bible, Numbers 2:19) / The standard-bearer was called a dragon.

(nether. vlag from ger. Flagge)
Banner, cloth, monochrome or different colors, attached to the staff (usually with the emblems of the state or organization). The flag, posted on the mast or on the stern of the vessel, indicates its nationality.