Heraldry DDR, The German Democratic Republic

Graphics / Heraldry / Coats of arms and flags

Heraldry DDR, The German Democratic Republic

Eastern Germany

Saar Protectorate
German EmpireEurope

Full name: DDR, The German Democratic Republic
original name: Deutsche Demokratische Republik

The German Democratic Republic on Yandex.Maps/Google Maps

socialist parliamentary republic

Territory: 108 333 km2
Population: 16 770 000 people.

Capital: Berlin (on Yandex.Maps/Google Maps)
eng. Berlin

Language: German

Coat of arms


Domain of the country: DD
Phone country code: 37

Embassy of Russia in The German Democratic Republic

There is no Russian embassy in this country.

Embassy of The German Democratic Republic in Russia

There are no embassies of this country in Russia.