Heraldry Albania

Graphics / Heraldry / Coats of arms and flags

Heraldry Albania

Etymology of the name of the country: The land of the mountaineers. The root 'Alb' means 'white' or 'mountain'. It is assumed that the mountain tribes from modern-day Kosovo brought their mountain ethnonym to a narrow coastal plain. The domestic name Shqiperia means 'land of the eagle'. Perhaps the eagle was a tribal totem.
Country slogan: Feja e Shqiptarit është Shqiptaria (алб., Вера албанцев — албанизм); Ti, Shqipëri, më jep nder, më jep emrin Shqiptar (Ты, Албания, дала мне честь, ты дала мне имя албанец)

Full name: Albania, Republic of Albania
original name: Shqipërisë, Republika e Shqipërisë

Albania on Yandex.Maps/Google Maps


multiparty republic
26 counties

Territory: 28 750 km2
Population: 33 322 179 people.

Capital: Tirana (on Yandex.Maps/Google Maps)
eng. Tirana
original name: Tiranë

Language: Albanian
Main religions: Islam, Orthodoxy, Catholicism

Bank cards enacted in the country:

Main export items: iron ore, natural gas, oil, chromium, coal tar, nickel, copper, vegetables and fruits


Coat of arms


Domain of the country: AL
Vehicle country code: AL

Phone country code: 355


Heraldry of the head of state


Text of the hymn


Rreth flamurit tëpërbashkuar,
Me njëdëshirëdhe njëqëllim,
TëgjithëAtij duke iu betuar,
Tëlidhim besën për shpëtim.

Prej lufte veçay largohet,
Qëështëlindur tradhëtor,
Kush ështëburrënuk friksohet,
Po vdes, po vdes si njëdëshmor.

Ne dore armet do t’i mbajme,
Te mbrojme atdheun ne cdo kend,
Te drejtat tona ne s’i ndajme;
Ketu armiqte s’kane vend!

Se Zoti vete e tha me goje
Qe kombe shuhen permbi dhe,
Po Shqiperia do te rroje;
Per te, per te luftojme ne!

Гимн флагу

Объединимся все вокруг флага
С одним желанием и целью одной.
Залогом послужит наше слово чести
В нашей борьбе за свободу.

Лишь предателем рождённый
Отречется от борьбы.
Ибо испугаться может каждый,
Но мученик встанет и пойдет!

Оружие в наших руках держа,
Защитим Отчизну свою,
Права сдаваться у нас нет,
Нашим врагам не место здесь!

Сам Господь сказал,
Что наций на Земле не будет,
Но Албания будет жить,
За неё, за Албанию ведём мы войну!

Print version

Embassy of Russia in Albania


website: albania.mid.ru
address: Azim Zeneli str., 5, Tirana, Albania
tel: +355-4 225-60-40
emergency tel: +355-4-225-60-40
email: embrusalbania@mid.ru

Embassy of Albania in Russia

address: г. Москва, ул. Мытная, 3
tel: 982-38-52, 982-38-53
email: embassy.moscow@mfa.gov.al


By Schengen visa.

Officially recognized only international driver's license. (In a number of countries, for example. The United States is a formal requirement and it is possible to use Russian rights, here it is necessary to learn separately)

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