


A social network that brings together news, music, events, videos, stories on one site and allows the user to customize the application to suit their interests.
Without advertising.


The news selection recommendation system reflects preferences unique to each user.
Without the influence of promotion factors from news agencies and annoying banners.
When you first launch the application, you can specify your region and topics of interest.
All news on the selected topics will be displayed in the Interests tab.
In the future, interests can be changed by clicking on the gear on the main screen of the application.
And in the Trends and Featured tabs, you can get acquainted with the current news agenda.


About 300 thousand tracks.
Playlists and tracklist are constantly updated.


A poster of options for spending free time with children, family, friends - both paid and free.More than 1000 cities of Russia.

Category: Contacts / Social networks

Tags: Social networks