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Rutrekere access

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Set Rutrekere not blocked. Working with him in the usual way.

Category: Internet / Browser extensions

Tags: Chrome Torrent


Yandex.Market search

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The extension adds the ability to search products on Yandex.Market from the shortcut menu. Just scroll up on the page of the product whose information you want to find, and select the menu item 'Search on Yandex.The market'.

Category: Internet / Browser extensions

Tags: Chrome Search Shops





Find low prices for goods. The Expert Advisor notices when you open an item page, compares its price with similar offers from other online stores and recommends low prices.

Category: Internet / Browser extensions

Tags: Chrome Search Shops


Country flag domain IP

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Shows country flag and other IP / domain information in the address bar.

Category: Internet / Browser extensions

Tags: Chrome

HTTPS Everywhere

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HTTPS Everywhere is a Firefox, Chrome, and Opera extension that encrypts your communications with many major websites, making your browsing more secure.

Category: Internet / Browser extensions

Tags: Chrome Search


Christian Himns


The most convenient app with the hymns for the Christians of Russia.
Intuitive application to learn do not have, you can just use.

the real-time Search for names or numbers. Can search in the selected collection or just a few selected collections. Nice simplifies the process.

the text Size is easily changed visually. I love these simple and functional program.

the hymns of the Christiansthe hymns of the Christiansthe hymns of the Christians

Category: Christian software / Audio

Tags: Christian Songs