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- - Roof - Real Estate in Kazakhstan.
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- - Single Multiple Listing Service
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- - INFOLINE: property in Voronezh
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- - All cottage settlements - Moscow, St. Petersburg and the region.
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reliable site Owner: Sber

tel.: 8 800 770-99-99
address: Russia, Moscow, ООО «ЦНС», 121170, Кутузовский пр., д. 32 к. 1
LLC Real Estate Center from Sberbank.Here you can sell, rent, buy a secondary housing, new building, take a mortgage.
In short, this is the usual real estate portal, plus the possibility of Sberbank.
Sberbank cooperates with a number of real estate agencies. And the participation of Sberbank gives additional reliability. Here and registration, and payments through the bank.
Chat with the mortgage manager and exchange documents online.

tel.: 8 800 200-03-83, + 7 (923) 157-00-00
address: Russia, Novosibirsk
Online newspaper of Siberia.On a site it is possible
- read the latest news of Novosibirsk;
- save favorite news;
- read and add comments to the news;
- send your news to the editorial office or suggest an idea for publication;
- see the current weather and forecast for the next 10 days;
- watch photo reports;
- watch videos;
- watch currency rates of the Central Bank of Russia and Novosibirsk banks.

tel.: +7 (495) 134-00-05
address: Russia, Moscow, 127273, ул. Отрадная, д. 2Б стр. 9, офис 703В
Real estate portal.Every year more than 18 million users. Included in the top ten most placed real estate sites.
Here you can sell or buy, rent or rent a property.
Information portal about real estate for developers, developers, people who want to conduct operations with housing.
A large base of proposals, which includes both budget class real estate and prestigious houses and summer cottages.
On the site you can ask a question to an expert, familiarize yourself with the planning in 3D (typical layouts are presented).

address: Russia, Moscow, 125196, ул. Лесная, д. 7, эт. 15, ком. 1
Platform for the selection of real estate.Map Search
Open the map, circle the area you need, and you will see all the offers in the area. Set advanced options in the Advanced Search.Quality Mark Program
Sign on the advertisements of real estate companies that maintain standards of professional integrity.Articles and News
Advice on real estate and repair. Realtors and designers, lawyers and psychologists help to understand any problem related to housing. Can I ask you a question.Real Estate Market Analytics
Find out how much housing costs in your city, area or near your metro station. Download analytical reports and get more complete information on the dynamics of prices for sale and rent.

tel.: +7 (499) 500-14-307 499, + 7 (499) 638-26-27
address: Russia, Moscow, ул. Новорязанская, д. 18, стр. 21, оф. 21п25 107078
Site where you can buy, sell, rent or lease commercial real estate.So far the site works for Moscow and St. Petersburg with the regions.
You need a room for an office or warehouse, a sales area in a shopping center, industrial premises or a plot of land.
You can buy or rent.
On the site you can find a suitable option on the map.
If you own real estate, you can offer it on this site.