
Communications / Contact / Chat


Chat is a kind of entertainment. In the chat you can go when you want new acquaintances, new emotions, new ideas, new thoughts! This is an anonymous conversation when you choose your nickname.

Types of software implementation of chats:
  • HTTP or web chats. This chat looks like an ordinary web page, where you can read the last few dozen phrases written by chat participants, or processed by a client inheriting the capabilities of the browser. The chat page is automatically updated regularly.
  • Built-in chat capabilities in IM clients, "thick client".
  • IRC, a specialized protocol for chat rooms.
  • Specialized programs for voice and other types of chat.

Chat applications:
  • all2all group communication (for example, Yahoo! Chat);
  • p2p personal communications (for example, ICQ, Skype, Yahoo! Messenger, AOL Instant Messenger) - personal communication;
  • b2b business (for example, Groove Virtual Office) - work in groups;
  • b2c consumer - supporting the company's customers on the corporate site (for example, LivePerson