Car country code

Transport / Cars / Auto-Graphics

Car country code

Auto Codes of regions of Russia | Country car codes | Materials for motorists

IVR Code (International Vehicle Registration Code)


Russia International Diplomatic

Russia - RUS

Australia - AUS

Austria - A

Azerbaijan - AZ

Åland - AX

Albania - AL

Algeria - DZ

Angola - ANG

Andorra - AND

Antigua and Barbuda - AG

Antilles - NA

Argentina - RA

Armenia - ARM

Aruba - NA

Afghanistan - AFG

Bahamas - BS

Bangladesh - BD

Barbados - BDS

Bahrain - BRN

Belarus - BY

Belgium - BH

Belize - B

Benin - BN

Bulgaria - BG

Bolivia - BIH

Bosnia and Herzegovina - RB

Brazil - BR

Brunei - BRU

Burkina Faso - BF

Burundi - RU

Butane - BHT

Vanuatu - VU

Vatican - SCV

United Kingdom - GB

Hungary - H

Venezuela - YV

East Timor - TL

Vietnam - VN

Gabon - G

Haiti - RH

Guyana - BRG

Gambia - WAG

Ghana - GH

Guatemala - GCA

Guinea - RG

Guinea-Bissau - GUB

Germany - D

Gibraltar - CBZ

Honduras - HN

Grenada - WG

Greenland - KN

Greece - GR

Georgia - GE

Denmark - DK

Democratic Republic of Congo - GBO

Jersey - GBJ

Djibouti - DJI

Dominica - WD

Dominicana - DOM

Egypt, Arab Republic of Egypt - ET

Zaire - CGO

Zambia - Z

Western Sahara - WSA

Zimbabwe - RSR

Yemen - YMN

Israel - IL

India - IND

Indonesia - Rl

Jordan - IOR

Iraq - IRQ

Iran - IR

Ireland - IRL

Iceland - IS

Spain - E

Italy - I

Cape Verde - CV

Kazakhstan - KZ

Cambodia - K

Cameroon - CAM

Canada - CDN

Qatar - Q

Kenya - EAK

Cyprus - CY

Kiribati - KIR

China - CN

North Korea - KP

Cocos Islands - CO

Colombia - CO

Comoros - RCB

Congo - RCB

South Korea - ROK

Kosovo - RKS

Costa Rica - CR

Ivory Coast - CI

Cuba - C

Kuwait - KWT

Kyrgizstan - KS

Laos - LAO

Latvia - LV

Lesotho - LS

Liberia - LB

Lebanon - RL

Libya - LF

Lithuania - LT

Liechtenstein - FL

Luxembourg - L

Mauritius - MS

Mauritania - RIM

Madagascar - RM

North Macedonia - MK

Malawi - MW

Malaysia - MAL

Mali - RMM

Maldives - MV

Malta - M

The Marshall Islands - MH

Mexico - MEX

Mozambique - MOC

Moldova - MD

Monaco - MC

Mongolia - MGL

Myanmar - BUR

Namibia - SWA

Nauru - NAU

Nepal - NEP

Niger - NIG

Nigeria - WAN

Netherlands - NL

Nicaragua - NIC

New Zealand - NZ

New Caledonia - NC

Norway - N

United Arab Emirates - UAE

Tierra del Fuego, Antarctica and South Atlantic Islands - AR-V

Oman - OM

Guernsey - GBG

Isle of Man - GBM

Pakistan - PAK

Palau - PAL

Palestinian Territories - PS

Panama - PA

Papua New Guinea - PNG

Paraguay - PY

Peru - PE

Poland - PL

Portugal - P

Transdniestria - PMR

Puerto Rico - PR

Rwanda - RWA

Romania - RO

Salvador - ES

San Marino - RSM

Sao Tome and Principe - STP

Saudi Arabia - SA

Eswatini - SD

Seychelles - SY

Senegal - SN

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines - WV

Saint Kitts and Nevis - KAN

Saint Lucia - WL

Serbia - SRB

Singapore - SGP

Syria - SYR

Slovakia - SK

Slovenia - SLO

Solomon Islands - SOL

Somalia - SO

Sudan - SUD

Surinam - SME

United States - USA

Sierra Leone - WAL

Hong Kong - HK

Tajikistan - TJ

Taiwan - RC

Thailand - T

Tanzania - EAT

Togo - TG

Tonga - TO

Trinidad and Tobago - TT

Tuvalu - TUV

Tunisia - TN

Turkmenistan - TM

Turkiye - TR

Uganda - EAU

Uzbekistan - UZB

Ukraine - UA

Uruguay - U

Faroe Islands - FO

Fiji - FJI

Philippines - PI

Finland - FIN

France - F

Croatia - HR

Central African Republic - ECA

Chad - TCH

Montenegro - MNE

Czechia - CZ

Chile - RCH

Switzerland - CH

Sweden - S

Sri Lanka - CL

Ecuador - EC

Equatorial Guinea - GQ

Eritrea - ER

Estonia - EST

Ethiopia - ETH

South Africa - ZA

Jamaica - JA

Japan - J