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Extension that helps to preserve and transfer bookmarks between major browsers: Chrome, Safari, FireFox, Internet Explorer.

the Main thing - to synchronize bookmarks. Today is the synchronization of bookmarks in one browser, say, Yandex.The browser you have on multiple computers and when you log into the same account, you will have the same bookmarks, very practical.

But what if you have a home Windows and Mac, somewhere else on Linux? And browsers are different. Here will be useful is an app that sinhroniziruete your bookmarks anywhere via your server.

Category: Internet / Browser

Tags: Browsers Bookmarks Extensions


Blue Mail

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Android huawei

A free universal email client with a user-friendly interface.
Unlimited number of email accounts from different providers.

Supported mail: Gmail, Yahoo, Outlook, AOL, iCloud, Office365, Exchange, Google Apps, Apple mail, Hotmail, MSN, Live, Yandex, ymail,, yandex, iCloud,, GMX,, Hushmail, Zoho,, KIP, Rambler ...
Synchronization of mailboxes from different providers.
Push notifications in real time.

Advanced Features

  1. intelligent mobile notifications - quiet hours, setting sounds, vibrations, flashes and alarms, as well as a number of unique settings for each of the accounts,
  2. custom signature - customize the font and add a logo,
  3. support for Android wear,
  4. mobile printing,
  5. dynamic conversation building,
  6. priority of letters,
  7. smart filter system,
  8. the transmitted data is always encrypted,
  9. Set up a timer that blocks the screen to maintain privacy.

Category: Contacts / Mail

Tags: Mailers Email