Earnings from advertising

Business / Job / Earnings from advertising

Earnings from advertising

Comparison of earnings from advertising on the example of the website and free of the advertising newspaper.

Free news paper Site
free distribution free is visited
earns on advertising earns on advertising
the cost of advertising depends on quantity of copies the cost of advertising depends on attendance
the print run depends on content attendance depends on content
costs for printing and distribution costs for hosting and domain

The most effective income on contextual advertising. I recommend trying Google AdSese and Yandex.Direct. And then determine for yourself.

I have to the site times in 2 more effective than AdSense. I know that there are sites where Yandex is more effective. Direct.

Do not put more than 3 blocks of advertising on the page. Do not put annoying advertisements, which requires the visitor to click something, close, especially not put high-yield advertising with viruses. This income will not be very long and throw out the site.

Yandex has unprofitable services (for example mail), but they are not closed, because they lead users.

Similarly, we, if some site or site brings a penny a month, it is better to remove advertising in general. So the attendance will rise faster and begin to generate revenue.