Taxi on map

Taxi on map

Full description

Yandex.Taxi -
Service, which allows you to call a taxi and follow up on the order map.

Service that allows you to call a taxi and monitor the order on the map. Orders are transferred to taxi services. They are the direct executors of the order.
While Yandex.Taxi works in cities: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Novosibirsk, Krasnodar, Sochi, Tula, Perm, Chelyabinsk, Voronezh, Vologda, Kazan, Krasnoyarsk, Minsk for other cities (already dozens) phones of local Taxi services.Yandex.Taxi will help:

  • Order a taxi without calls to dispatchers - the order is sent immediately to all selected taxi services.
  • Get a taxi to the entrance as quickly as possible - the service finds cars near you.
  • Watch the movement of the taxi found on the map.

Passenger rating

Since 2018, not only taxi drivers, but also passengers have their status.
At the end of the trip, taxi drivers rate the passengers.
The taxi driver indicates the number and, if desired, the reason for the low rating of the passenger: sloppy, was drunk, rude, there were problems with payment.
As a result, it will be difficult for a passenger with a low rating to order a taxi next time. The taxi driver sees the level of the passenger and may not take the order.

Employers also pay attention to this rating when applying for a job.