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Google Drive - drive.google.com
Recognize the scanned documents.

The text recognition function is available in Google Docs.
29 languages are recognized, including Russian.

.JPG, .GIF, .PNG and .PDF documents are supported in size up to 10 Mb. The .PDF file does not exceed 10 pages.

  1. Go to Google Docs, you can from Google Mail.
  2. Drag and drop the image or PDF-file into the browser window (in Google Chrome it exactly works).
  3. A window appears from below and there is a small menu on top.
  4. Put the checkboxes against the 2 lower items (as seen in the picture):
    • V - Convert text from PDF files and images
    • V - Confirm the settings before each download
  5. Close Window and load the picture again.
  6. Now, when loading it, it offers to recognize the text, you just need to specify the language.
  7. Then the picture was saved as a picture, but if it is opened by its text editor, below the picture there will be recognized text.