

Full description

Lots of salmon
Asian food and pizza delivery service from 30 minutes to your home or office.

Asian food and pizza delivery service from 30 minutes to your home or office.

Interior combines 3 gastronomic concepts:

  • Lots of salmon
    A wide variety of dishes, from classic Philly rolls and salmon poke, to Hawaiian porridge and extravagant yapo tacos. Always a generous portion of fresh salmon, original recipes and high quality.
  • 10 perfect pizzas
    Pizza with lots of quality toppings on thin dough with a crispy crust. Each pizza comes with a special sauce.
  • Rolls #1
    A wide selection of large rolls with quality toppings.
The minimum order amount is 600 rubles.
Deliveries in Moscow, the Moscow region and Rostov-on-Don.

Bon Appétit
All about food.

Recipes, you can participate in cooking master classes, choose products and ...

Social network - registered users will earn internal ratings and badges for achievements, get special access to educational content, can start their own culinary blog and earn money for content.

The purpose of the site is shopping planning and express delivery.
That is, one will be able to find a good recipe and order the products required for it.