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1 English
1. BIBLE - Vulgata
DRB 1609-1610
Douay-Rheims Bible
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
Translated from Latin Vulgate.

Douay Bible House


The Holy Bible Douay Rheims Version.

2. BIBLE - Vulgata
DRB 1752
Douay-Rheims Bible, Challoner Revision
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
Translated from Latin Vulgate.
Richard Challoner


The Holy Bible Douay Rheims Version.

2 Magyar - Hungarian
3. BIBLE - Vulgata
KNB 1997
Káldi Neovulgata Bible
3 español - Spanish
4. BIBLE - Vulgata
TA 1825
Torres Amat
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red
Morphological forms,Notes.
Traducción de la Vulgata al castellano 1825.
Félix Torres Amat

4 Latina - Latin
5. BIBLE - Vulgata
VG 1591
La Vulgata Clementina
Clementine Vulgate
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
6. BIBLE - Vulgata
V 405
Biblia Sacra Vulgata
7. BIBLE - Vulgata
CVg 2018
Biblia Sacra juxta Vulgatam Clementinam


The Bishops' Conference of England and Wales gives its approval to the publication of Biblia Sacra juxta Vulgatam Clementinam. Published with approbation. CBCEW, 9th January 2006. The Clementine Text Project was an effort between 2002 and 2005 to create a free online text version of the Clementine Vulgate. This is an historically important edition of the Latin Bible that previously did not exist in electronic form. Many people generously gave their time to help create and proof-read the new text. Work to maintain the text and correct errors that are found is ongoing: the latest update was on Jan 23 2018.

8. BIBLE - Vulgata
NVUL 1979
Nova Vulgata
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
Bibliorum Sacrorum nova vulgata editio.

Bibliorum Sacrorum Editio

9. BIBLE - Vulgata
Nova Vulgata
10. BIBLE - Vulgata
Vulgata latina

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