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1 Русский язык - Russian
Synodal Bible
1. BIBLE - Synodal
RST 1876
Библия. Синодальная
Russian Synodal Bible
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red
With Strong's lexicon.
Moses A Golubev, Daniil A Chvolson, Evgraf I Lovyagin, Pavel I Savvaitov

Russian Bible Society

2. BIBLE - Synodal
RST 1876
Библия. Синодальная— транслитерация
Russian Synodal Bible romanized
Moses A Golubev, Daniil A Chvolson, Evgraf I Lovyagin, Pavel I Savvaitov

Russian Bible Society

3. BIBLE - Synodal
RSTJ 1876
Библия. Синодальная (Яхвэ версия)
Russian Synodal Bible (Yahweh Edition)
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red
With Strong's lexicon.
Moses A Golubev, Daniil A Chvolson, Evgraf I Lovyagin, Pavel I Savvaitov

Russian Bible Society


Яхвэ версия синодального перевода Библии, где имя Бога Яхвэ на заменяется словом Господь по еврейской традиции. Кстати, в Библии на иврите, Яхвэ не заменено словом Господь (Адонай), его заменяют лишь при чтении.

4. BIBLE - Synodal
RST 1876
Библия. Синодальная с апокрифами
Russian Synodal Bible
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red
With Strong's lexicon.
Moses A Golubev, Daniil A Chvolson, Evgraf I Lovyagin, Pavel I Savvaitov

Russian Bible Society


Православная версия Библии, которая помимо канонических, боговдохновенных книг включает и второканонические, не боговдохновенные, но исторические.

5. BIBLE - Synodal
RST 1947
Библия. Книги Священного Писания Ветхого и Нового Завета. Канонические.

Российское Библейское Общество

6. BIBLE - Joint
Йсф-Вин+ 1970-1975
ТаНаХ Йосифона + Новый Завет, буквальный перевод Винокурова
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red
With Strong's lexicon, Morphological forms, Notes.
VIN-RU 2015
Библия, подстрочный перевод
Interlinear Translation
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red
With Strong's lexicon, Morphological forms, Notes.
Alexey Vinokurov


Перевод Ветхого Завета с Септуагинты, так что это уже не буквальный перевод, а перевод перевода.
Новый Завет переведен с оригинальных текстов.

VIN-EL 2015
Библия, подстрочный перевод
Interlinear Translation
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red
With Strong's lexicon, Morphological forms, Notes.
Alexey Vinokurov


Перевод Ветхого Завета с Септуагинты, так что это уже не буквальный перевод, а перевод перевода.
Новый Завет переведен с оригинальных текстов.

9. New Testament
Beza 1598
Beza Greek New Testament
Theodore Beza - Greek New Testament with Strong numbers
10. New Testament
BHPk 2017
Bunning Heuristic Prototype Greek New Testament (Koine)
11. New Testament
BHPm 2017
Bunning Heuristic Prototype Greek New Testament (Medieval)
12. New Testament
IGRBrk 2023
Подстрочная греческо-русская Библия под ред. Виктора Журомского. Унциальное письмо.
Interlinear Greek-Russian Bible ed. Victor Zhuromsky. Uncial letter.
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red
With Strong's lexicon, Morphological forms, Notes.
вторая редакция
Victor Zhouromsky


Scrivener's Textus Receptus 1894, номера Стронга, морфология, критический аппарат, 'Гебраизированный Дословно-Смысловой Перевод' со знаками ударения.

13. New Testament
IGRBhk 2023
Подстрочная греческо-русская Библия гебраизированная под ред. Виктора Журомского. Унциальное письмо.
Interlinear Greek-Russian Hebraized Bible, ed. Victor Zhuromsky. Uncial letter.
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red
With Strong's lexicon, Morphological forms, Notes.
первая редакция
Victor Zhouromsky


Scrivener's Textus Receptus 1894, номера Стронга, морфология, критический аппарат, 'Дословно-Смысловой Перевод' со знаками ударения.

14. New Testament
IGRBh 2023
Подстрочная греческо-русская Библия гебраизированная под ред. Виктора Журомского
Interlinear Greek-Russian Hebraized Bible, ed. Viktor Zhuromsky
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red
With Strong's lexicon, Morphological forms, Notes.
первая редакция
Victor Zhouromsky


Scrivener's Textus Receptus 1894, номера Стронга, морфология, критический аппарат, 'Гебраизированный Дословно-Смысловой Перевод' со знаками ударения.

15. New Testament
IGRBr 2023
Подстрочная греческо-русская Библия под ред. Виктора Журомского
Interlinear Greek-Russian Bible ed. Viktor Zhuromsky
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red
With Strong's lexicon, Morphological forms, Notes.
вторая редакция
Victor Zhouromsky


Scrivener's Textus Receptus 1894, номера Стронга, морфология, критический аппарат, 'Дословно-Смысловой Перевод' со знаками ударения.

16. Old Testament
Танах в подстрочном переводе на русский язык
Tanakh in literal translation into Russian
(1Пар - 2Пар, Пс - Прит, Дан, Авд - Иона, Зах)
17. New Testament
VINT 2015
Новый Завет, буквальный перевод
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red
With Strong's lexicon, Morphological forms, Notes.
Новый Завет переведен с оригинальных текстов.
Alexey Vinokurov

18. New Testament
LCVr 2024
Дословно-Смысловой Перевод
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red
With Strong's lexicon.
первая редакция
Victor Zhouromsky


Перевод основан на тексте греческого Нового Завета Scrivener’s 1894 Textus Receptus.

Сайт проекта:

19. New Testament
LCVh 2024
Гебраизированный Дословно-Смысловой Перевод
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red
With Strong's lexicon.
первая редакция
Victor Zhouromsky


Восстановлено имя нашего Спасителя Йешуа ха Машиаха, и предпринята попытка восстановления имени Бога Отца - Йахве.
Перевод основан на тексте греческого Нового Завета Scrivener’s 1894 Textus Receptus.

Сайт проекта:

20. Some books
AST 2020
Коллекция второканонических, ветхозаветных и новозаветных апокрифических книг.
Victor Zhouromsky


Включает в себя некоторые ветхозаветные псевдо-эпиграфы и новозаветные апокрифы.

2 українська мова - Ukrainian
21. BIBLE - ua
LCVu 2023
Дословно-Смисловий Переклад Біблії під ред. Віктора Журомського
редакція робоча
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red
With Strong's lexicon.
первая редакция
Victor Zhouromsky

22. BIBLE - ua
LCVua 2023
Дословно-Смисловий Переклад Біблії під ред. Віктора Журомського
редакція робоча, з буквицею
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red
With Strong's lexicon.
первая редакция
Victor Zhouromsky

3 English
American Standard Bible
ASV 1901
American Standard Bible
The Holy Bible
Philip Schaff


Containing the Old and New Testaments, Translated out of the Original Tongues, Being the Version Set Forth, Compared with the Most Ancient Authorities and Revised A.D. 1881-1885, Newly Edited by the American Revision Committee A.D. 1901, Standard Edition. New York: Thomas Nelson & Sons, 1901.

NASB 1971
New American Standard Bible
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red
With Strong's lexicon.

Lockman Foundation

WEB 1997, 2020
World English Bible
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red
With Strong's lexicon.

Rainbow Missions

King James Versions
KJV 1611
King James Version
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red
With Strong's lexicon.
KJV 1611-1769
King James Version
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red
With Strong's lexicon.
KJPCE 1900
King James Bible 1611: Pure Cambridge Edition
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red
With Strong's lexicon.

Cambridge University Press

AKJV 1999
American King James Version
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red
With Strong's lexicon.
Michael Peter (Stone) Engelbrite

cKJV 2003
Crossword Project King James Version

CrossWire Bible Society

IAV 2001
Israeli Authorized Version
Hebraic King James Version
RWV 1833
Webster Bible
Noah Webster's Bible
Noah Webster

ABP 2003
Apostolic Bible Polyglot
English Text.
Charles Lynn VanderPool

New Testament
34. New Testament - DBY
DBY 1890
Darby Bible
The Holy Scriptures A New Translation from the Original Languages.
John Nelson Darby

35. New Testament
NTE 2011
The Kingdom New Testament: A Contemporary Translation
1st ed.
Nicholas Thomas Wright

36. New Testament
iESVTH 2017
The Interliniar English-Greek New Testament
ESV + GNT Produced at Tyndale House, Cambridge.

Dirk Jongkind, Peter Williams


The Greek New Testament is priceless in its value as it is how God has given us his revelation of the gospel and of Jesus Christ. While a few trusted Greek texts are in print, significant advances have been made in Greek translation studies of the New Testament since a standard text was adopted by academics in 1975. The Greek New Testament, Cambridge Edition has been created under the oversight of editors Dr. Dirk Jongkind (St. Edmund's College, University of Cambridge) and Dr. Peter Williams (Tyndale House, Cambridge). Together with their team, they have taken a rigorously philological approach to reevaluating the standard text—reexamining spelling and paragraph decisions as well as allowing more recent discoveries related to scribal habits to inform editorial decisions. Ideal for students, scholars, and pastors alike, and published to coincide with the 500th anniversary of the Reformation, The Greek New Testament, Cambridge Edition is a groundbreaking contribution to biblical scholarship.

37. Old Testament
Interlinear Hebrew Old Testament with Strong's Number
Hebrew Old Testament Interlinear
4 Nederlandse - Dutch
DSV 1619
Statenvertaling Bijbel
States Bible
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red
With Strong's lexicon.
Голландский King James Bible.
5 Ἑλληνική - Ancient Greek
Barach-m 2012
Koine Greek Bible: Septuagint, New Testament, Apocrypha + Lexicon
John Barach at Motoreracom

ABP 2003
Apostolic Bible Polyglot Greek Text
Charles Lynn VanderPool

ABP-EL 2013
Apostolic Bible Polyglot. Greek
42. New Testament
TR'1550+ 1550
Textus Receptus 1550 Stephanus (with accents, Strong's numbers and parsing info)
43. New Testament
TR'1598+ 1598
Textus Receptus 1598 Beza
Theodore Beza
44. New Testament
GNTTH 2017-Tyndale
The Greek New Testament

Dirk Jongkind, Peter Williams


The Greek New Testament is priceless in its value as it is how God has given us his revelation of the gospel and of Jesus Christ. While a few trusted Greek texts are in print, significant advances have been made in Greek translation studies of the New Testament since a standard text was adopted by academics in 1975. The Greek New Testament, Cambridge Edition has been created under the oversight of editors Dr. Dirk Jongkind (St. Edmund's College, University of Cambridge) and Dr. Peter Williams (Tyndale House, Cambridge). Together with their team, they have taken a rigorously philological approach to reevaluating the standard text—reexamining spelling and paragraph decisions as well as allowing more recent discoveries related to scribal habits to inform editorial decisions. Ideal for students, scholars, and pastors alike, and published to coincide with the 500th anniversary of the Reformation, The Greek New Testament, Cambridge Edition is a groundbreaking contribution to biblical scholarship.

45. New Testament
iTHESV 2017
The Interliniar Greek-English New Testament (ESV)

Dirk Jongkind, Peter Williams


The Greek New Testament is priceless in its value as it is how God has given us his revelation of the gospel and of Jesus Christ. While a few trusted Greek texts are in print, significant advances have been made in Greek translation studies of the New Testament since a standard text was adopted by academics in 1975. The Greek New Testament, Cambridge Edition has been created under the oversight of editors Dr. Dirk Jongkind (St. Edmund's College, University of Cambridge) and Dr. Peter Williams (Tyndale House, Cambridge). Together with their team, they have taken a rigorously philological approach to reevaluating the standard text—reexamining spelling and paragraph decisions as well as allowing more recent discoveries related to scribal habits to inform editorial decisions. Ideal for students, scholars, and pastors alike, and published to coincide with the 500th anniversary of the Reformation, The Greek New Testament, Cambridge Edition is a groundbreaking contribution to biblical scholarship.

46. New Testament
iTHESV2 2017
The Interliniar Greek-English New Testament (ESV)

Dirk Jongkind, Peter Williams


Priceless in its value as it is how God has given us his revelation of the gospel and of Jesus Christ. While a few trusted Greek texts are in print, significant advances have been made in Greek translation studies of the New Testament since a standard text was adopted by academics in 1975. The Greek New Testament, Cambridge Edition has been created under the oversight of editors Dr. Dirk Jongkind (St. Edmund's College, University of Cambridge) and Dr. Peter Williams (Tyndale House, Cambridge). Together with their team, they have taken a rigorously philological approach to reevaluating the standard text—reexamining spelling and paragraph decisions as well as allowing more recent discoveries related to scribal habits to inform editorial decisions. Ideal for students, scholars, and pastors alike, and published to coincide with the 500th anniversary of the Reformation, The Greek New Testament, Cambridge Edition is a groundbreaking contribution to biblical scholarship.

47. New Testament
BGB 1904
Berean Greek Bible
48. New Testament
NA27 1993
Novum Testamentum Graece, Nestle-Aland
27th ed., (with critical apparatus).

Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft


Gesamtherstellung Biblia-Druck, Stuttgart. Nestle, E., Nestle, E., Aland, K., Aland, B., & Universität Münster. Institut für Neutestamentliche Textforschung. (1993, c1979). Novum Testamentum Graece. At head of title: Nestle-Aland. (27. Aufl., rev.) Stuttgart: Deutsche Bibelstiftung.

49. New Testament
TR 1894
Scrivener's 1894 Textus Receptus
Wade Balzer

50. New Testament
NE 1904
Nestle. Greek New Testament
51. New Testament
Tisch+ 1864-1894
Editio Octava Critica Maior
Tischendorf's Greek New Testament: 8th Edition
Constantin von Tischendorf

52. New Testament
BGNT 2014
Byzantine Greek New Testament
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red
With Strong's lexicon, Morphological forms.
Kr/Family 35 Textform.
53. New Testament
BYZ 2005
Byzantine textform with breathings, punctuation, capitalization, lemmas, Byzantine variants and Nestle-Aland variants
54. New Testament
F35 2015
The Greek New Testament According to Family 35
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red
With Strong's lexicon, Notes.
Wilbur N Pickering ThM PhD

55. New Testament
56. New Testament
WHNU 1881
Westcott and Hort Greek New Testament (with NA27/UBS4 text variants)
57. New Testament
GNT5+ 2014
The Greek New Testament, 5th Edition, with Diacritics
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red
With Strong's lexicon, Morphological forms.
58. New Testament
Combines Textus Receptus, Scrivener, Byzantine Majority, Alexandrian/Critical in one text
59. New Testament
NTG 1993
Novum Testamentum Graece
The Greek New Testament
60. New Testament
NTPT 2003
New Testament Patriarchial Text
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red
With Strong's lexicon.

Ελληνική Βιβλική Εταιρία

61. New Testament
RP 2005
The New Testament in the original Greek: Byzantine textform
Maurice A Robinson, William G Pierpont

62. New Testament
BYZ 2005
Byzantine text-type
Majority Text
Maurice A Robinson, William G Pierpont

63. New Testament
SBL 2010
The Greek New Testament: SBL Edition
Michael William Holmes

64. New Testament
STR 1550
Stephanus Textus Receptus with accents
65. New Testament
TNT 1886
Novum Testamentum Graece Praetextuit Constantinus Tischendorf
Bible. N.T. Greek. Tischendorf
Constantin von Tischendorf

66. New Testament
TR 1550
Textus Receptus

67. New Testament
Treg 2009
Tregelles’s Greek New Testament
1857 (Corrected edition).
Samuel Prideaux Tregelles

68. New Testament
UBS4 1881
Greek Westcott and Hort/UBS4
69. New Testament
WH 1881
Westcott and Hort
70. New Testament
RGNT 2015
A Reader’s Greek New Testament: Third Edition
Richard J Goodrich, Albert L Lukaszewski

71. New Testament
BSB 2016
Berean Study Bible

Bible Hub

72. New Testament
BLB 2016
Berean Literal Bible

Bible Hub

73. BIBLE - Joint
Septuagint OT and Westcott-Hort NT
74. Old Testament - LXX
Analytic Septuagint
75. Old Testament - LXX
Analytic Septuagint with accents and with God's name
76. Old Testament - LXX
Analytic Septuagint with with God's name
Joint in original languages
77. BIBLE - Joint
Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia + Delitzsch's Hebrew New Testament with Vowels (DHNT'85+)
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red
With Strong's lexicon.
78. BIBLE - Joint
Old Testament — Westminster Leningrad Codex + New Testament — Westcott-Hort Greek New Testament
79. BIBLE - Joint
Old Testament — Westminster Leningrad Codex + New Testament — Westcott-Hort Greek New Testament
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red
With Strong's lexicon.
80. BIBLE - Joint
Hebrew Old Testament Interlinear with Strong's Numbers + The Greek New Testament, 5th Edition, 2014
Простой текст, без огласовок.
6 עִבְרִית - Hebrew
Open Bible
81. Old Testament
OSDHB 1885
Open Scriptures Hebrew Bible

Public Domain

82. Old Testament
Open Scriptures Hebrew Bible with Vowels
83. Old Testament
Open Scriptures Hebrew Bible, version 2.0
Westminster Leningrad Codex


The Open Scripures Hebrew Bible is a project to analyze the Hebrew Bible by lemma and morphology.

84. Old Testament - KJV
Eep Talstra Centre for Bible and Computer 4с with Vowels, Accents; KJV versification
85. Old Testament - KJV
Eep Talstra Centre for Bible and Computer 4с with Vowels, Accents; incl. clause & phrase markers; KJV versification
86. Old Testament - KJV
Eep Talstra Centre for Bible and Computer 4с with Vowels, Accents
87. Old Testament - KJV
Eep Talstra Centre for Bible and Computer 4c with Vowels, Accents; incl. clause & phrase markers
88. Old Testament - WLC
Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia with Vowels, Accents

Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft


Критическое издание масоретского текста еврейской Библии основанное на Ленинградском кодексе.

89. Old Testament - WLC
BHS 1977
Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia

Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft


Критическое издание масоретского текста еврейской Библии основанное на Ленинградском кодексе.
Название «Biblia Hebraica» по-латински означает «Еврейская Библия».

90. Old Testament - WLC
WLC 1008
Westminster Leningrad Codex Morphological with Vowels, Accents
91. Old Testament - WLC
WLCa 2017
Westminster Leningrad Codex with Accents
92. Old Testament - WLC
WLCm 2017
Westminster Leningrad Codex Morphological with Vowels, Accents
93. Old Testament - WLC
WLCv 2017
Westminster Leningrad Codex with Vowels
94. Old Testament - WLC
WLCc 2017
Westminster Leningrad Codex (Consonants)
95. Old Testament - WLC
HSB 2013
Interlinear Hebrew Study Bible with Vowels, Accents, Transliteration and Strong's Number
Westminster Leningrad Codex with vowels and cantillation signs, with interlinear and transliteration.
96. Old Testament - WLC
HSB2 2013
Interlinear Hebrew Study Bible with Vowels, Accents and Strong's Number
Westminster Leningrad Codex with vowels and cantillation signs, with interlinear and transliteration.
97. Old Testament - WLC
HSB3 2013
Hebrew Study Bible with Vowels, Accents and Strong's Number
Westminster Leningrad Codex with vowels and cantillation signs, with interlinear.
7 español - Spanish
EUNSA 1997-2016
Sagrada Biblia

José María Casciaro (†) (Presidente), Gonzalo Aranda (†), Santiago Ausín, Vicente Balaguer, Claudio Basevi, Francisco Varo y Juan Chapa (Secretario)

Universidad de Navarra

LBLA 1997
La Biblia de las Américas
American Bible

Lockman Foundation

100. BIBLE
RV 2017
Reina-Valera 2017 de Russel Stendal and Larry Pierce
Biblia Reina Valera 2017 es una revisión de la llamada 'Biblia del Oso' de 1569, la tercera revisión de Martin Russel Stendal después de SAGRADAS ESCRITURAS VERSION ANTIGUA (1996) y LA BIBLIA DEL JUBI
101. BIBLE - RV
RV09 1909
Spanish Reina-Valera
102. BIBLE - RV
RV60 1960
La Santa Biblia Reina-Valera
Reina-Valera edition Revised
103. New Testament
iBY 2011
Bizantino interlineal griego-español
104. New Testament
NA27 interlineal griego-español
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red
With Strong's lexicon, Morphological forms.
105. New Testament
Westcott y Hort interlineal griego-español
106. New Testament
Tischendorf interlineal griego-español
8 中國傳統 - Chinese traditional
107. BIBLE
CUV 1919
中文和合本 繁體中文版連史特朗經文滙篇
Chinese Union Version
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red
With Strong's lexicon, Notes.
From English Revised Version.

Hong Kong Bible Society

108. BIBLE
Chinese Union Version Cross References
109. BIBLE
LCT 2007
Chinese Contemporary Bible
110. BIBLE
Chinese Union Version
Joseph Fung

9 简体中国 - Chinese simplified
111. BIBLE
CUVS 1919
Chinese Union Version Simplified
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red
With Strong's lexicon, Notes.
From English Revised Version.


112. BIBLE
Chinese Union Version Cross References
10 中國傳統 - Chinese traditional
113. BIBLE
Chinese Union Version
Joseph Fung

11 简体中国 - Chinese simplified
114. BIBLE
LCTS 2007
Literal Chinese Translation Simplified
12 deutsch - German
115. BIBLE
S51 1951
Schlachter-Bibel, Franz Eugen Schlachter
Francis Eugene Schlachter
Franz Eugen Schlachter

116. BIBLE - DBY
ELB 1905
Darby Bible
John Nelson Darby

117. BIBLE
LB 1545
Luther Bible
German Lutherbibel.
118. BIBLE
LB 1912
Luther Bible
German Lutherbibel.
New Testament
119. New Testament
MNT 1998
Münchener Neues Testament
120. New Testament
Leo-NA28+ 2016
Leonberger Bibel (NA28)
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red
With Strong's lexicon, Notes.
Wort. Weg. Wahrheit.
121. New Testament
Leo-RP05+ 2005
Leonberger Bibel (RP05)
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red
With Strong's lexicon, Notes.
Wort. Weg. Wahrheit.
13 polszczyzna - Polish
122. BIBLE
Interlinearna Biblia Hebrajsko-Polska
Interlinear Hebrew-Polish Bible
123. BIBLE
Textus Receptus Oblubienicy
Textus Receptus The Bride and Groom
New Testament
124. New Testament
Textus Receptus Oblubienicy
Ewangeliczny Przekład Intelinearny Nowego Testamentu.
14 Português - Portuguese
125. BIBLE
Revista e Atualizada Interlinear
126. BIBLE
ARA 1993
Almeida Revista e Atualizada
127. BIBLE
BEP 2009
Bíblia de Estudo Pentecostal
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red
With Strong's lexicon, Notes.


Com a Versão Revista e Corrigida de João Ferreira de Almeida - 4ª Edição. Texto corrigido entre os anos de 1995 a 2009.

128. BIBLE
Bíblia Sagrada
King James Versions
129. BIBLE - KJV
JFA 1628
Tradução de João Ferreira de Almeida
Versão Revista e Atualizada, grafia brasileira.
130. BIBLE - KJV
JFA-br 1628
João Ferreira de Almeida (R. A.)
15 suomi - Finnish
131. BIBLE
STLK 2017
Pyhä Raamattu

Suomen Tunnustuksellinen Luterilainen Kirkko

16 français - French
Bible Segond
132. BIBLE
LSG 1910
La Bible Segond
Segond Bible
Louis Segond

17 Čeština - Czech
New Testament
133. New Testament
BKR 1613
Bible kralická
Bible of Kralice

Jednota bratrská


18 Matu Chin - Matu Chin
134. BIBLE
MCSB 2015
Matupi Chin Standard Bible
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red
With Strong's lexicon.
19 ܡܦܩܬܐ ܦܫܝܛܬܐ - Syriac
135. New Testament
The Syriac New Testament, according to the British and Foreign Bible Society's Edition of 1905
With vowels.

British and Foreign Bible Society

136. New Testament
sycNT 1905
The Syriac New Testament, according to the British and Foreign Bible Society's Edition of 1905 (with vowels)

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