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1. New Testament
PNÛ 2017
Peymana Nû (Încîl)

Hoffnung und Leben e.V.

2. New Testament
KUR 2009
Kurmanji Încîl
3. New Testament
KMRNC 2000, 2011
Пәймана Ну (Инщил)
New Testament in Kurmanji Kurdish of Transcaucasia (Cyrillic)

Институт перевода Библии, Institute for Bible Translation, Russia

4. New Testament
KMRNL 2000, 2011
Peymana Nû (Încîl)
New Testament in Kurmanji Kurdish of Transcaucasia (Latin)

Институт перевода Библии, Institute for Bible Translation, Russia

5. New Testament
KMRP 2005
Kurmanji Încîl
Kurdish New Testament and Psalms +

Bible Society in Turkey

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