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Modern Hebrew
MHB 2010
Modern Hebrew Bible (Consonants)
Israeli Hebrew, Modern Israeli Hebrew compilation from Westmister (OT) and Modern Hebrew(NT).

Bible Society in Israel / UBS

Еврейские Писания объединённые из Ленинградского Кодекса Танаха, книг Нового Завета на современном иврите.
MHBc 2010
Modern Hebrew Bible with Vowels
Israeli Hebrew, Modern Israeli Hebrew.

Bible Society in Israel / UBS

Еврейские Писания объединённые из Ленинградского Кодекса Танаха, книг Нового Завета на современном иврите.
New Testament
3. New Testament
DHNT 2010
Delitzsch's Hebrew New Testament with Vowels and Strong's Number
4. New Testament
DHNT 1885
Delitzsch's Hebrew New Testament with Vowels
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red.
5. New Testament
DHNT 1885
Delitzsch's Hebrew New Testament (Consonants)
6. New Testament
DHNT 1877-1998
Delitzsch's Hebrew New Testament (Consonants)

Leipzig, Ackermann.

7. New Testament
SGHNT 1886-1999
Salkinson-Ginsburg Hebrew New Testament (Consonants)

Society For Distributing Hebrew Scriptures

8. New Testament
DHNT 1877-1998
Delitzsch's Hebrew New Testament with Vowels
9. New Testament
HNT 1977
First Modern Hebrew New Testament

Bible Society in Israel / UBS

10. New Testament
SGHNT 1886-1999
Salkinson-Ginsburg Hebrew New Testament with Vowels
Salkinson-Ginsburg edition of 1886, revised 1999 to conform to the Textus Receptus Greek NT.

Society For Distributing Hebrew Scriptures

11. New Testament
HHH 2009
ha-Derekh Hebrew New Testament (Consonants)


12. New Testament
MHNT 2010
Modern Hebrew New Testament (with vowels)

Bible Society in Israel

13. New Testament
MHNT 1991
Modern Hebrew New Testament

Bible Society in Israel

14. New Testament
MHNT 1991
Modern Hebrew New Testament

Bible Society in Israel

15. New Testament
SGNT 2018
Salkinson-Ginsburg Hebrew New Testament 1886, 2018 (with vowels)
Isaac Edward Salkinson

Society For Distributing Hebrew Scriptures

Middlesex, England, edition of 1886, revised 1999. The Hebrew New Testament is a translation of the Textus Receptus Greek text. Isaac E. Salkinson, HaB'rit HaChadashah. British Missionary Society, 1886. Online. Produced by the Society For Distributing Hebrew Scriptures, Middlesex, England. The latest edition has been revised in some places to bring it closer to the Textus Receptus and is the 2012/2013 edition with a few minor spelling mistakes corrected in 2018.
Open Bible
16. Old Testament
OSDHB 1885
Open Scriptures Hebrew Bible

Public Domain

17. Old Testament
OSHB 1885
Open Scriptures Hebrew Bible with Vowels
18. Old Testament
OSHB2 1885
Open Scriptures Hebrew Bible, version 2.0
Westminster Leningrad Codex

The Open Scripures Hebrew Bible is a project to analyze the Hebrew Bible by lemma and morphology.
19. Old Testament - KJV
ETCBC 1885
Eep Talstra Centre for Bible and Computer 4с with Vowels, Accents; KJV versification
20. Old Testament - KJV
ETCBC 1885
Eep Talstra Centre for Bible and Computer 4с with Vowels, Accents; incl. clause & phrase markers; KJV versification
21. Old Testament - KJV
ETCBC 1885
Eep Talstra Centre for Bible and Computer 4с with Vowels, Accents
22. Old Testament - KJV
ETCBC 1885
Eep Talstra Centre for Bible and Computer 4c with Vowels, Accents; incl. clause & phrase markers
23. Old Testament
HAC 920
כֶּתֶר אֲרָם צוֹבָא
Aleppo Codex — Keter Aram Tzova
24. Old Testament - WLC
BHS 920
Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia with Vowels, Accents

Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft

Критическое издание масоретского текста еврейской Библии основанное на Ленинградском кодексе.
25. Old Testament - WLC
BHS 1977
Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia

Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft

Критическое издание масоретского текста еврейской Библии основанное на Ленинградском кодексе.
Название «Biblia Hebraica» по-латински означает «Еврейская Библия».
26. Old Testament - WLC
WLC 1008
Westminster Leningrad Codex Morphological with Vowels, Accents
27. Old Testament - WLC
WLCa 2017
Westminster Leningrad Codex with Accents
28. Old Testament - WLC
WLCm 2017
Westminster Leningrad Codex Morphological with Vowels, Accents
29. Old Testament - WLC
WLCv 2017
Westminster Leningrad Codex with Vowels
30. Old Testament - WLC
WLCc 2017
Westminster Leningrad Codex (Consonants)
31. Old Testament
AFATc 2008
Andersen-Forbes Analyzed Text (Consonants)

Lexham Press

32. Old Testament
AFATv 2008
Andersen-Forbes Analyzed Text with Vowels

Lexham Press

33. Old Testament
LHBa 2012
Lexham Hebrew Bible with Accents

Lexham Press

34. Old Testament
LHBc 2012
Lexham Hebrew Bible (Consonants)

Lexham Press

35. Old Testament
LHBv 2012
Lexham Hebrew Bible with Vowels

Lexham Press

36. Old Testament - WLC
HSB 2013
Interlinear Hebrew Study Bible with Vowels, Accents, Transliteration and Strong's Number
Westminster Leningrad Codex with vowels and cantillation signs, with interlinear and transliteration.
37. Old Testament - WLC
HSB2 2013
Interlinear Hebrew Study Bible with Vowels, Accents and Strong's Number
Westminster Leningrad Codex with vowels and cantillation signs, with interlinear and transliteration.
38. Old Testament - WLC
HSB3 2013
Hebrew Study Bible with Vowels, Accents and Strong's Number
Westminster Leningrad Codex with vowels and cantillation signs, with interlinear.
39. Old Testament - WLC
HSB4 2013
Hebrew Study Bible with Vowels and Accents
Westminster Leningrad Codex.
Adele Berlin, Marc Zvi Brettler, Michael Fishbane
40. Torah
TpsJ 2013
Targum Pseudo-Jonathan
Jonathan Ben Uzziel (Pseudo-Jonathan)
41. Torah
TO 35-120
תרגום אונקלוס
Targum Onkelos
‏אונקלוס הגר
MHNT-s 35-120
Modern Hebrew New Testament Subheadins
he-en-B 35-120
Babylon Hebrew-English

This comprehensive Hebrew-English dictionary contains words, phrases, abbreviations & acronyms. It includes terms from a vast variety of subjects, such as Medicine, Electronics, Zoology, Business, Computers, Religion, etc.
44. Old Testament
Штейнб 1885
Еврейскій и Халдейскій этимологическій словарь к книгамъ Ветхаго Завета
Jewish and Chaldean etymological dictionary to Old Testament books
Osijs N Steinberg

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