Video search

Software / Download / Video

Video search


Catalog and search engine for the largest Russian-language torrent trackers.
Looking for, go to the site, register and then swing.
The database of the search engine includes links to the distribution of only full-length films and cartoons. All links are grouped by movies and quality categories, which allows you to quickly find a suitable copy for you.

In the search there is a tip even with a thumbnail, as seen below.
Quite often the same copy of the film, appearing on one tracker, after a certain period of time falls on the other, because all the distribution on the pages of the films are grouped by repeats, as seen below.
Very simply and clearly, It's easy to choose what to rock.

Registration is optional, but desirable.

Registered users have the opportunity to monitor the appearance of new movies with the participation of their favorite actors and directors, as well as new distributions from monitored films. When there are new distributions, an alert will be sent to a special section on the site or via email.

There is an opportunity to subscribe to a lot of RSS-feeds in order to be aware of all the changes on the site: the appearance of a new movie with your favorite actor, a new distribution from the movie you are interested in Changes in the Updates Ribbon and the list of reviews, etc.
