Smithsonian institution

Smithsonian institution

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Smithsonian institution -
Virtual museums and galleries around the world.

Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC - USA
3-D Museum of the Smithsonian Institution.
On the Institute's website, you can see the exhibits in 3D: twist, approximate.
The quality is high, only sometimes you need to wait to Loaded.

Smithsonian’s National Zoo -
Webcams - wildlife.

On the page of the National Smithsonian Zoo (Smithsonian's National Zoological Park), you can find dozens of two different webcams installed in the habitats of living creatures.
In addition to the standard tigers and toucans in this case, one of the cameras is installed directly under the water in the Amazon, so you can look at a variety of exotic fish in real time.
Keep in mind that the time zone of another part of the world differs by an average of eight hours in the opposite direction.